sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2012

A minha colcha é mais bonita que a tua

Defuntos - "Vidas Vazias... Almas Perdidas..." - Cantigas do Eterno Desespero (12'', limited to 200)

Defuntos / Lost - Imaculado Sepulcro (7'', 61/162)

Inthyflesh - Claustrophobia
Omitir - Cotard
Ars Diavoli - Clausura
Inverno Eterno - Inverno Eterno

Aosoth  - Aosoth
Defuntos - Luto Perpétuo (digipack)
Woods of Desolation - Toward the Depths
Apati - Morgondagen Inställd I Brist Pa Intresse (limited to 1000)

Pig Destroyer - Book Burner (digibook 2cds)
Electric Wizard - Legalase Drugs and Murder (cassette)
Amenra - Mass V (special editon signed by the band, limited to 500)
The Secret - Agnus Dei

Deftones - B-sides & Rarities (cd+dvd)
Korn - Issues (2cds)
Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth (dual disc)

Cave In - Anchor (single 2)
Cave In - Anchor (single 1)
Cave In - Live Airwaves (limited to 1000)
Cave In - Creative Eclipses 
Cave In - 3 track promo (cardboard)
Cave In - Moons Of Jupiter (limited to 3300)

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012

Let's go to the mall

Nachtmystium - Silence Machine
Bosse-de-Nage - III
Torche - Harmonicraft
Ash Borer - Cold of Ages
Evoken - Atra Mors
Converge - All We Love We Leave Behind
Necro Deathmort - The Colonial Script
Huata - Atavist of Mann

Blut Aus Nord - 777 Sect(s)
Altar of Plagues - Tides
Enslaved - Runn
Enslaved - Isa
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta I
Altar of Plagues - Mammal
Enslaved - Eld 
Enslaved - Bellow the Lights
Boris - Pink
Gnaw Their Tongues - All the Dread Magnificience of Perversity
Mayhem - Live in Leipzig
Enslaved - The Sleeping Gods

Coalesce - OXEP
Tame Imapala - Innerspeaker
Converge/Napalm Death - split
No Age - Everything In Between
Buried Inside - Spoils of Failure
Tusk - Get Ready
Oathbreaker - Maelstrom
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Opeth - The Devil's Ochard

Baroness - Yellow & Green

Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters

sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

Let's go to the mall

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless (digipack 2 cds)
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything (digipack)
My Bloody Valentine - Ep's 1988-1991 (digipack  2 cds)

Mogwai - The Hawk is Howling (digipack cd+dvd)
Mogwai - Young Team (slipcase 2 cds)
Mogwai - Come On Die Young
Mogwai - Ep + 6

Burzum - Fallen (digipack)
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss  (digipack)
Burzum - Det Son Engang Var  (digipack)
Burzum - Burzum / Aske  (digipack)

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation (digipack 2 cds)
Spacemen 3 - Recurring (2 cds)
Burzum - Umskiptar (digibook)
Triptykon - Eparistea Daimones (digibook)

Pink Floyd - Meedle (remastered)
Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (remastered)

Velvet Cacoon - Genivieve  (digipack)
Rise and Fall - Faith  (digipack)
Gore - Hart Gore / Mean Man's Dream (2 cds)
Simbiose - Economical Terrorism (digipack)
Pelican - What We All Come to Need (digipack cd+dvd)
Pelican - Ataraxia/Taraxis

Anne - Dream Punx (12'')

Year of No Light - Ausserwelt (2x12'')

Barghest - Barghest (12'')

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Let's go to the mall

Isis - Live VI (2LP)

Pelican - Ephemeral (LP)

Kylesa & Victims - Split (7'')

Ulver - Wars of the Roses (slipcase) 
Wolves in the Throne Room - Demo 
Wolves in the Throne RoomDiadem of 12 Stars 
Wolves in the Throne Room - Live at Roadburn (cd+dvd) 

Necro Deathmort - Music of Bleak Origin 
Young and in the Way - I Am Not What I Am / Amen 
True Widow - As High As the Highest eavens and From the Center to the Circunference of the Earth 
Touché Amoré - Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me 

Agalloch - Whitedivisiongrey (digibook)
Chelsea Wolf - Ἀποκάλυψις 
Hexvessel - Dawnbearer 
Chelsea Wolf - The Grime and the Glow

Les Discrets - Ariettes Oubliées... (artbook 2cds)

Alcest - Les Voyages de l'Âme (artbook cd+dvd)

terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2012

Top álbuns de 2011 1 - 25

A parte mais interessante da lista, os 25 que mais me marcaram este ano, cada um com uma música, em geral são as minhas favoritas de cada álbum. 

25- Lantlôs – Agape

24- Wolvhammer - The Obsidian Plains

23- Kurt Vile – Smoke Ring For My Halo 

22- Cave In – White Silence

21- Barghest - Barghest

20- Blood Ceremony – Living With The Ancients

19- Taake – Noregs Vaapen

18- Ulver – Wars of the Roses

17- Krallice - Diotima

16- Of the Wand and the Moon – The Lone Descent

15- Liturgy – Aesthethica

14- Terra Tenebrosa – The Tunnels

13- Young and In the Way – I Am Not What I Am & V. Depression

12- Heretoir – Heretoir

11- Hexvessel – Dawnbearer

10- Belong – Common Era

9 - Touché Amoré – Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me

8 - True Widow – As High As The Highest Heavens And From The Center To The Circumference Of The Earth

7 - Altar of Plagues – Mammal

6 - Deafheaven – Roads to Judah

5 - Necro Deathmort – Music of Bleak Origin

4 - Chelsea Wolfe – Apokalypsis

3 - Junius – Reports from the Threshold of Death

2 - Wolves in the Throne Room – Celestial Lineage

1 - Trap Them – Darker Handcraft

Top álbuns de 2011 26 - 60

Sempre tive um gosto muito especial pelas listas de "melhores" álbuns do ano, tenho sempre bastante curiosidade conhecer novas bandas, cds, eps, e nada melhor que isto para o fazer. Para não fugir à regra fica aqui a primeira parte do meu top. Provavelmente daqui a um mês já não será esta a ordem, se calhar alguns passam a nem estar aqui, outros entram, mas por agora foram estes os cds que achei que tinham mais qualidade, que ouvi mais vezes, que me tocaram mais...

60- Earth – Angels Of Darkness, Demons Of Light 1
59- Fen - Epoch
58- Boris – Heavy Rocks
57- Forteresse - Crépuscule d'Octobre
56- Russian Circles - Empros
55- Grumbling Fur - Furrier
54- Marissa Nadler - Marissa Nadler
53- Zombi - Escape Velocity
52- Yob - Atma
51- Anne - Dream Punx
50- Com Truise - Galactic Melt
49- Mamaleek - Kurdaitcha
48- John Maus – We Must Become the Pitiless Censors of Ourselves
47- Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica
46- Thurston Moore - Demolished Thoughts 
45- Panopticon - Social Disservices 
44- Will Haven - Voir Dare
43- James Pants - James Pants
42- Today is the Day - Pain Is a Warning
41- Dornenreich – Flammentriebe
40- Leviathan - True Traitor, True Whore
39- M83 - Hurry Up, We're Dreaming
38- Craft - Void
37- Barn Owl – Lost in the Glare
36- Indian – Guiltless
35- Aosoth – III
34- Jesu – Ascension
33- Blut aus Nord – 777 Sect(s)/The desanctification
32- Alexabder Trucker - Dorwytch
31- Tenhi – Saivo
30- All Pigs Must Die - God is War
29- Pulling Teeth – Funerary
28- Woods of Desolation – Torn Beyond Reason
27- Tombs – Path of Totality
26- Ash Borer - Ash Borer